Meet Jacki Erasmus, daughter of Willie Nel (pharmacist and owner of Link’s Bushbuckridge Pharmacy, Acornhoek Link Pharmacy and Thulamashe Link Pharmacy) and Val Nel, the visionary behind the business.
The picture was taken when Jacki, now 41, was somewhere between 2 and 4 years old. She has grown up in the pharmacy and, in many respects, with Willie and Val, represents the spirit of independent community pharmacy. Willie and Val opened Bushbuckridge in 1984 and in December, the pharmacy celebrates 40 years of exemplary service in the community.
Apart from a few years in the hospitality sector, Jacki has spent her life in the family’s pharmacies where the good memories of days gone by informed the values of today.
Let’s hear from Jacki:
Jacki, you really love the pharmacy….
At 2, I was too young to go to school and there were no prep schools in the area, so my mom and dad took me to the pharmacy every day. I loved it, and I loved all the people! And I was loved by our customers and staff, who all looked after me. I spent more time in the shop than at home. It was home.
I loved playing with the kids who visited the pharmacy with their parents and loved exploring all the shops in the area. Bushbuckridge was my safe space – even today, I feel safe in my community.
I literally grew up in the pharmacy – weekdays, weekends, and holidays. I’m sure that my maths skills came from working on the till!
Funny and memorable snippets….
Sawubona jelle.
When I was little, I would sit on the counter and greet everybody with my best rendition of ‘Sawubona jelle’ and everybody would just smile.
Gogo’s visit.
There was this old gogo who would visit the pharmacy, always with a knobkierie and umbrella in hand. She would sit behind the dispensary for most of the day and tell my dad all about her health problems while instructing my mom to make her tea. After all the time and tea, she would tell us that she only had R 50 on her. She was like family to us.
When I pretended to be sick my dad ‘prescribed’ a throat lozenge which I was instructed to suck. I soon recovered!
Keeping busy while having fun.
My dad would keep me busy for hours counting vitamins.
Making displays with my mom was more interesting!
Attending Link or UPD tradeshows was the best.
In those days, we sold EVERYTHING except the kitchen sink – my job was to wrap all the goods.
I did all the filing – I still do it!
For the annual stocktaking, my friends would come in and help – it was quite a big event.
We got our first-ever computer… and dad told me NEVER to touch it!
The pharmacy competitions were exciting. You had to decorate the pharmacy to a theme – from China to Morrocco or even Mauritius! This resulted in my first visit overseas, because I won a trip to Malaysia!
Your dad Willie is a superhero to you…
So much trust is placed in my dad. I grew up thinking that he was a superhero and that he has superpowers. The community still sees him that way today because he really is a community superhero and cares deeply for people. He is the best pharmacist that I know of. Some staff call him the “Mad scientist’ because he can whip up a magic potion and it will work.
Somebody once told me that my dad is to Bushbuckridge what Table Mountain is to Cape Town.
And your mom Val…
Val Nel, my mom, was the business! And she is still involved.
She has a heart bigger than the ocean and she loves the people of Bushbuckridge. She initiated and sponsored humanitarian projects such as uplifting the community, organising special functions for orphanages, educating home-based caregivers, and hosting annual Christmas parties and Valentine’s Day tea parties for pensioners. My mom is an amazing partner for dad and has been with him from the start. She was the visionary that fuelled our pharmacies. She has stepped back from the everyday running of the business and over time, I took on her duties.
I am blessed to have the best of both my mom and dad!
What keeps you so busy?
First and foremost, I am the PA to my dad and his Pharmacist Assistant. I manage all three pharmacies, and my mom keeps a watchful eye and assists me. I try to continue the work she
used to do for our community. An example of this is the Children of the Dawn orphanage where, with the help of Link, we supply vitamins, among other needs. Bushbuckridge’s people are our people, and we will help wherever possible.
Jacki, now that you’ve grown out of your spot on the pharmacy counter, have you got a desk these days?
LOL! I almost have a desk – maybe one day I’ll be upgraded to a real desk!
The story about Jacki, her parents and Bushbuckridge Pharmacy is the essence of independent community pharmacy to me.
It reminds us that a logo is not a brand. The Link brand is the Willies, Vals and Jackis of the world and their customers who stand for family, community, caring, and a sense of belonging.
Janine Openshaw
Key Account Manager – Link Pharmacy South Africa.
While all reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained in this article, information may change or become dated, as new developments occur. The Link group shall not be held liable or accountable for the accuracy, completeness or correctness of any information for any purpose. No content in this article, irrespective of the date or reference source, should be viewed as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor, pharmacist.